ReitenRight client, Sandra Verda Zanatta is not only a High-Performance Coach and Grand Prix competitor but is also the owner and founder of Fit to Ride Pilates for Equestrians. F2R Pilates is an excellent total body workout that focuses on core strength and stability while addressing symmetry, flexibility, coordination and balance.

In my Pilates studio it is important to provide clients with a safe, comfortable space allowing them to improve their posture and alignment to promote correct, functional body mechanics; the same goes for my horses training environment. It is imperative to have a safe, functional surface for my horses to work on. For this reason, I added ReitenRight to my existing sand. The result was improved shock absorption and just the right amount of grip and stability. These qualities allow my horses to train comfortably and confidently resulting in correct muscle development, improved balance and self-carriage.
— Sandra Verda Zanatta
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Sandra Verda Zanatta and Wilhelm

Here are some of Sandra’s top exercises for Equestrians!

Foam Roller Balance:


Lay flat on the foam roller, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Relax your neck and shoulders, take a few deep breaths and when you exhale draw your bellybutton in slightly towards your spine to engage your core, then extend your arms up. Inhale, bend elbows and repeat.

Once you feel stable, lift one leg. When the leg lift feels solid and you can maintain balance then extend arms at the same time as your leg lift. Repeat on the other side.


Ball sit with a resistance band


Focus on your posture and sitting equal on your seat bones. Put a flex band around your back and extend both arms forward while sitting tall and connecting your core (draw bellybutton towards spine). Keep your shoulder blades flat and your back in a neutral position when you extend elbows. As you extend your arms forward you should feel your core engage more. Adjust the tension on the band as needed.

One Leg Standing Balance


Stand on one leg with your knee slightly bent, close hip angle while keeping hips square and draw your bellybutton in. When you feel balanced and stable- exhale and keep your core engaged while extending one leg back and reaching both arms forward. Hold that position for 5 seconds then return to starting position and repeat.

For more information about Sandra and the programs offered please visit
